What Is a Proper Way of Clothing to Get a Success?

Even if you like Paris Hilton or Nicki Minaj, you will surely not dress like them when at work. If you are a businessperson or an employee in some prestigious and famous company, you should spend much time on planning how to dress properly.

It is important to determine which outfit would be appropriate in different case. If your company does not have any traditions or rules related to dress code, you might just prefer being traditional. Some companies allow their employees to dress down on Fridays. If you wear formal dresses, skirts, trousers, blouses, jackets, and stilettos every day, Friday will be a real blessing for you as it gives a chance to wear jeans, a sweater, and snickers. Still, the most common mistake that workers make is that they underdress. Even on dress-down Fridays, it is crucial to follow corporate rules.

How to Choose Clothes in the Right Way?

  • If you want to be a manager, browse the Internet and check what successful managers wear. You cannot be a successful manager if you like wearing flip-flops at work.
  • If your company has a dress code, be sure that you follow it. If you do not have appropriate clothes for work, you should buy them. In case you do not know what to buy, the shop assistant in the mall will definitely help you.

Traditional looks for men:

  • Polished shoes (preferably black or brown)
  • A button-down shirt
  • A jacket (dark-blue or grey; sometimes black, but do not wear it with black trousers)
  • Slacks
  • A conservative tie (no bright colors, no bees/ flamingos/ bright weird stripes)
  • Traditional white and blue shirts

Traditional looks for women:

  • A skirt with a length just above the knee
  • Slacks
  • Pantsuits
  • Simple modest jewelry (no huge bracelets or earrings)
  • Neutral makeup (just the hint of it)
  • Moderate heels
  • Sweater/ jacket

Whenever you are in doubts what to wear, you should always take into account the following factors:

  • Pay attention to the company you are working at and to the position you are occupying
  • Take into account weather conditions. If the weather is changeable, it is a good idea to wear a short-sleeved blouse or a top and a sweater/ jacket. Such outfit will secure you from getting either too hot or too cold.
  • It is usually better to overdress rather than underdress, especially when it is your first day at work.
  • When you are going to deliver a presentation or a formal speech, always dress formally. You should look confident.

As you see, clothes are much more than just nice looks. They influence the impression, which other people will have of you. Therefore, you must always pay much attention to what you wear and how you look.

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