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Imagine that you are in the shop and you are allowed to choose any shirt or dress you want. What color would you pick? Having closed your eyes, picture your e-learning template. What color do you see? What colors do you like most of all? Is it your intended decision to use this or that color because of the fact that it makes an impact on the brain?
Different Parts of the Brain Process Color
Scientists believed that they had found this brain region many years ago. They identified the part of the brain where color is processed in the brain of a monkey. It was logically inferred that our brain processes color in the same way as the brain of monkeys. Nevertheless, it has been concluded by neuroscientists from Harvard medical school that the region of our brain that is responsible for color has only some similarities with the brain of our nearest relatives. Frankly speaking, it is quite different from the one that you can find in the brain of monkey.
You would be really surprised to get to know what our brain does with the information regarding color. As soon as you see any color, this information moves immediately to those areas of our brain that can detect motion, shape, or transition. This refers even to the colorblind subjects. Although they are not able to recognize various shades of colors, their brain uses this information to see the world in a more detailed and precise way.
According to the investigation into the question of how color affects us, we must admit that the way we respond to color is more important comparing to what we previously thought. I propose to consider what we already know concerning this topic and to decide how it may be helpful in terms of effective educational process and successful memorizing.
In 2002, it was discovered by the researchers that subjects who took part in standardized pattern recognition test performed 5 to 10% better because the color of the test was not black or white. What is more, the effect improved memory. However, if you want to see the advantage of using color, it must be only realistic. Objects that have random colors don’t have any effect on pattern recognition as well as memory.
One more group of scientists has found out that when we look at a photo and see objects that we already know, our brain fills in the appropriate color, although it might not be on the image. For instance, you can see black and white image of the banana, but the brain has an access to our whole memory about bananas that includes the fact that this fruit is yellow.
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Color may be a stimulus to certain brain functions. For example, blue stimulates imagination and can help you feel relaxed. However, if there is too much blue, you might feel depressed. Red can make you feel energetic and sometimes even may improve concentration as well as performance. Small amounts of yellow make us feel happy, but its excess may lead to stressful feelings. Green is suggested to be used in hospitals since it contributes to physical health and is relaxing. Orange develops critical thinking, memory. In order to pass an exam with flying colors, orange test center might be really helpful.
The way humans response to color has been explored for a long period. Nevertheless, there is still much to be done. I suppose we should implement some of the already achieved results in learning.