Free Custom «Performance Analysis of Traffic Loads in EIGRP Protocols in Real Time Application» Essay Sample

Free Custom «Performance Analysis of Traffic Loads in EIGRP Protocols in Real Time Application» Essay Sample

Aim and Objectives of the Research

Usually, how a certain protocol performs is entirely different from the performance of another protocol. This implies that how Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing protocol (EIGRP) performs is unique from other protocols. The researcher chose the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing protocol to do performance evaluation or analysis for real time traffic.

The fundamental aim of this particular research study is to analyse the performance of Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing protocol in routing in real time traffic. However, to realize this general objective of the study, it is necessary to have several other objectives broken down from the main objectives. There include;

  • To describe the design and the architecture of the protocol
  • To determine the degree of traffic generated by the EIGRP
  • To establish the effectiveness of the protocol’s TLV encoding format
  • To determine the manner in which the handling of bandwidth, as well as, delays for classic TLVs are encoded in the packet “scaled” form relative to the manner in which they are represented on the physical link of the protocol
  • To identify the TLVs involved and how they work
  • To know the available fields and the types of codes involved

Research Questions

  • How is the cost of delivery associated with routing algorithms determined?
  • What are the elements determining the cost of delivery?
  • How does the cost of delivery associated with Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing protocol differ with those of other routing algorithms?
  • Which are the overheads that are common with EIGRP?
  • What are the impacts of overheads on EIGRP on the performance of the traffic loads?
  • What is the extent of delay caused in the system?
  • What are the most critical causes of these delays?
  • What is the severity of delays to the performance of the system?
  • How does the delay caused in the system related to the throughput?
  • Is the re a necessity of regular updates to traffic loads?

Problem Description and the Main Contributions

The main objective of this particular research study is to assess the EIGRP routing protocol and thereby evaluating it on the basis of some performance metrics. This evaluation or analysis will be performed not only theoretically but also through simulation. Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing protocol is a term commonly used to denote a Cisco proprietary distance vector protocol (Matt 2003). To calculate the cost of Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing protocol, the bandwidth and the delay are considered. Usually, the algorithm used different from other routing protocols in order to route the packets and this explains the route processing delay. Owing to this particular feature, the impact of the algorithm used can he overall performance of a network. According to Carroll (2009), a routing protocol is acknowledged as operated at a layer of three of the Open System Interconnection model. Carroll (2009) further identifies that there are several forms of routing protocol, which are extensively used in the network. Among the most common routing protocols is the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing protocol, which is commonly abbreviated as EIRGP.


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Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing protocol is a Cisco proprietary distance-vector protocol with Diffusing Update Algorithm (Dual) as its only underlying basis. The most pertinent characteristic of this particular routing system is that it only uses Cisco products. Researchers consider such a characteristic as a drawback as it tends to limit the performance of the traffic loads (Matt 2003). However, the system’s convergence time is much faster as compared to other forms of protocols. In addition to this, configuring the system is attributed as not only encompassing simplicity but also entailing practical aspects. Owing to such details, more care is required particularly in the areas of performance, measurements, as well as, verification. This calls for contribution of this research study. The foremost objective of this research study is to extensively study about routing protocols with much focus being put on Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing protocol (Matt 2003). With such an extensive study, the existing knowledge on the subject matter will be enhanced. Secondly, the research studies aims at familiarizing oneself with Optimized Network Engineering Tool (OPNET) stimulator, as well as, implement the proposed network models in OPNET. In this research study, one routing protocol with real time application will be taken into account. The underlying research question is; how well does Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing protocol perform for real time applications?

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The researcher will divide the research work into two specific sections. Foremost, the researcher will design a network model with Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing protocol, then simulate it using the Optimized Network Engineering Tool and then observe the resultant impact using the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing protocol for real time applications. Secondly, the researcher will design a network model by way of implementing an Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing protocol that is stimulated with a single aim of measuring the performance for the real time traffic. Though these are the major contributions, there are those that might not be imminent but as the researcher conducts the study, they might prove to be of great significance, as well. Such includes the reporting of the simulated results, as well as, an analysis and the simulation of the network models with real time traffics including voice conferencing and video streaming and observing the variance depicted by Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing protocol from other forms of networks.

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