Free Custom «Evidence-Based Practice and Global Health» Essay Sample

Free Custom «Evidence-Based Practice and Global Health» Essay Sample


Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the form of incorporating the art of nursing, the current research findings, and the expected ethical considerations in the line of delivering service to the patients during the treatment process. EBP helps nurses to perform their duties in a manner that is most relevant to the prevailing case by providing room for an in-depth consultation before taking any action (Ellis, 2013). As a result, this allows nurses and other healthcare workers to deliver the needed help and not the normal conventional or expected one. In other words, EBP assists nurses in being more creative and self-reliant by utilizing the tool of observation and analysis as well as giving the relevant help. In healthcare, there is a lot of change in demands for nurses due to changing complexities, which resulted in the EPB’ becoming an obligatory approach to use in case of handling the prevailing demands in the most appropriate and comprehensive manner by the nurses. They are, therefore, expected to be conversant with the current trends, demands, and research findings in their area of specialization in order to ensure that they serve their patients in the best possible way and provide them with all the necessary medication.


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Part A: Importance of Utilizing Evidence-Based Practice by Nurses

The primary role of EBP is to close the gap between the theoretical aspect of nursing and the practical part. This entails utilizing the approach of interrogating the prevailing evidence and usingthe deduction methods to have a clear understanding of the case a nurse is facing. Moreover, EBP is centered on a research-intensive platform, and thus, provides the nurses with a reference point on the best prevailing practices in different areas of specialty (Hockenberry, Wilson & Barrera, 2006). In addition, EBP contributes toa deeper understanding of various diseases that enables the nurses to handle them diligently taking knowledge from a more informed basis.

One of the greatest challenges that exist in the field of nursing is the influence of the “norm” where nurses’ creativity is profoundly undermined by the effect of the “normal conduct” in their place of practice. This is a phenomenon that is rare with the utilization of EBP because all the actions taken by the nurses are based on the research findings compressed into theories that provide a reference point aimed at improving the nurses’ creativity and authenticity in their line of duty (Ellis, 2013). It is, therefore, of high importance for the nurses to utilize the EBP approach in their undertakings as it helps them to improve the caregiving process.

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Part B: The Need to Understand Research Methods by Nurses as a Means of Implementing Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice is centered on the research-intensive platform where helpful and relevance insights are condensed into distinctive theories addressing different realities in the field of medicine. As it has already been mentioned earlier, diverse theories that provide various reference lie at the heart of EBP. To have clarity on the issues covered by the different theories, the deduction process is a critical undertaking and a phenomenon that is present in research engagement (Wodarski & Hopson, 2012). With the aim of integrating EBP into the art of actions based on prevailing evidence and being conversant with the diverse research methods, the nurses will be able to conduct an in-depth deductive reasoning to ensure they have a detailed understanding of the present situation possessing all the necessary knowledge to deal with a particular health issue of concern.

The evidence-based practice also requires nurses to describe, clarify, predict, and control a situation in the line of upholding the most appropriate approach while handling a particular case. He or she is expected to have a deep knowledge regarding a specific case, thus, to be able to adequately describe the situation. To gain the needed confidence from the patients, the nurse has to clarify on the relationships and the situation concerning the patient (Ellis, 2013). In addition, prediction entails the nurse being fully conversant with the prevailing situation and, thus, aware of the result. The control, in turn, requires the nurse to be in charge of the procedures that should be implemented in case of a particular circumstance to ensure the desired results are attained.

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Therefore, to fully comply with the demands of EBP, the nurses should understand the various research methods that will be helpful in the line of analyzing on what is qualified as relevant and irrelevant data, thus, minimizing the element of irrelevance, which, in turn, will lead to improving the timeliness in caregiving. Moreover, mastering the art of research methods is helpful in differentiating reliable and unreliable sources, hence, reducing the element of error in diagnosis process (Wodarski & Hopson, 2012). It is, therefore, evident that when nurses are fully conversant with different research methods, they are better placed regarding identifying, selecting, and utilizing research findings that are both relevant and reliable in such a wayavailing more advanced care to the patients.

Part C: How Nurses Are Utilizing Evidence-Based Practice Approach around the World

According to the international council of nurses, the only way of enhancing the quality of the caregiving lies in the adoption of evidence-based practice in nursing. This situation occurred because of the finding of the council that poorly informed about decision making as one of the primary causes of poor service delivery to the patients (International Council of Nurses, 2012). In addition, it is the assertion of the council that there is the need to ensure that any nursing action is based on the relevant pool of knowledge. Moreover, it has become a universal norm for the agitation of integration of EBP with the demands not based on “if” but “how” (Hockenberry, Wilson & Barrera, 2006).

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In Canada, evidence-based practice is widely utilized by nephrology nurses where a lot of attention and diligence is required during the process of providing a specialized care to the patients with kidney problem. The nurses are expected to promote safety, competence, and ethics. In addition, they are expected to be conversant with the current specialty knowledge to guarantee that they avail the most appropriate help to the patients (CANNT, 2008). At the heart of their undertakings are the demands on the nephrology nurses to uphold the EBP.

In order to meet these demands, nephrology nurses in Canada are expected to analyze the existing literature in the field of nephrology and identify the areas of relevance that could help them to improve their caregiving. Moreover, in the line of ensuring a comprehensive caregiving, they are expected to organize all the information in the patients’ forms as well as to have a clear understanding of the disease to ascertain that all relevant information is consulted before any measure is taken (CANNT, 2008). The nurses are also involved in the interdisciplinary coordination with other healthcare specialists in the attempt to guarantee an improved level of consultation while treating the kidney patients. Over and above, nephrology nurses of Canada are actively involved in the research work with the intention of gathering as much data as possible to create a reference point regarding the matters of kidney diseases.

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In conclusion, it is evident that evidence-based practice in nursing is a phenomenon that is highly agitated across the world as a means of improving the art of caregiving among the nurses. Besides, it is clear that EBP is centered upon the research findings that provide helpful insights in the field of nursing. In addition, it is obvious that EBP is an approach that in case of being well utilized can help nurses to improve their art of caregiving leading to providing enhanced services to the patients. There is also the need for the nurses to understand the various research methods as a means through which they can differentiate credible and non-credible sources, thus, minimizing the element of irrelevance that can lead to the occurrence of errors. Over and above, it is clear that evidence-based practice needs to be upheld by nurses if the patients are going to be subjected to improved health care services.

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