Free Custom «Javanese Human Resource Plan 2015-2016» Essay Sample

Free Custom «Javanese Human Resource Plan 2015-2016» Essay Sample


Our world has become very dynamic, especially due to the impact of globalization and technology. The business world has not been left out as well. The era of desperate workers is now buried and left to history because of transformations that are happening in the human resource sector. The human resource sector is a vital organ in the business because it is the yardstick to measure spirit and performance of an organization. Therefore, current paper discusses the legislative framework guiding human resource planning, recruitment and selection plan, training and development, and remuneration structure of a business.

Executive Summary

Javanese is an internet café located in the downtown in California. It is a vibrant company in the restaurant industry that is located in a high traffic zone. The business receives about 500 clients per day, which include the working class of California who retreats to downtown for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and for the purposes of holding meetings. The business is currently understaffed with forty-five employees. With its intention of adding a conference facility to the business, the company seeks to create a human resource department and hire additional staff of 50 employees (Fabricant, Miller, & Stark, 2014). 


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The one-person Human Resource department will provide leadership to the company by designing human resource programs and systems. The department will conduct recruitment and selection. It will conduct training and development of employees for talent development and preparation of future leaders. It will design a compensation package to attract and retain the best talents. It will develop a system of performance appraisal to ensure that performance of employees is monitored, the best performers are rewarded, and poor performers are summoned. The HR department will ensure compliance and maintenance of legal systems so that the state, the federal government, and labor unions do not interfere with smooth running of the company. The department will offer support and leadership to the company, enhance relationships, and add value to the company.

Legislative Framework Guiding Human Resource Planning

The company will consider various legal issues in setting up the Human Resource department. The legislative framework that will guide Human Resource activities is the US state, federal, and local governments’ employment and labor laws and regulations. The laws will guide the department’s work functions of managing and overseeing duties of hiring, employee benefits, paychecks, employee training and development, wages, overtime, and firing. The laws will also guide employee privacy, workplace safety, as well as prevention of harassment and discrimination.

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The common matters of concern to the Human Resource department will include employee manuals, affirmative action policies, audits of Human Resource compliance, confidentiality agreements, wage laws and government contracts, establishment of procedures and policies, unemployment compensation, and drug and substance abuse testing laws.

There are four Human Resource laws and regulations that will be of concern to the company. The Fair Labor Standards Act, which is a federal statute, sets a national minimum wage, prohibits employment of minors, and provides a half-time break for employees working overtime (Kearns, Borgen, & American Bar Association, 2010). The ABA guarantees employees information that matters to them. It states that employer, employee, labor union, and the public should have a balanced discussion of issues that affect employees in the United States (Goren, 2006). The Labor Management Act guarantees employees of the private sector the right to organize trade unions, deliberate for better terms and conditions through engaging in collective bargaining, and take action collectively when necessary, including strikes (United States, 2012). The regulations of the department of labor in the United States will also affect the HR department in their actions to promote, develop, and foster welfare of job seekers, wage earners, and retirees. Actions may include improving work-related conditions, rights, and benefits (Dickerson & United States, 2003).

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The company will also consider actions of organizations relating to laws of Human Resource. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission will be of significant impact. The federal law enforcement agency prohibits workforce discrimination against individuals based on national origin, color, religion, sex, race, disability, and age (United States. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2002). It investigates such complaints and prosecutes culpable employers. The Office of Human Resources assesses human resource programs and policies that companies’ Human Resource departments use to evaluate their effectiveness (International Labor Office, 2009).

Recruitment and Selection Plan

Javanese will conduct recruitment with the aim of making a required seven-member team of employees available on demand and having required talents. The Human Resource department aims to obtain the required number and quality of employees at a minimum cost to satisfy the company’s human resource needs.  The department will seek to fill 50 positions of food scientists, accounts clerks, customer care call center, IT specialists, and operations managers. Recruitment and selection will follow the following steps.

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Stage 1:  The hiring supervisor will specify roles and responsibilities of each position within the team.

Stage 2: The hiring supervisor will critically analyze available recruitment methods and identify the most appropriate method that will address objectives and specifications of the position.

Stage 3:  The positions will be advertised in both external and internal recruitment sources.

Stage 4: The hiring supervisor will shortlist applicants according to the setout criteria in the job description.

Stage 5: The hiring team will interview and select candidates in accordance with the setout criteria in the job specification.

Stage 6: The hiring supervisor will specify necessary conditions such as criminal and medical background checks and prepare the letter of offer and contract.

Stage 7: The hiring supervisor will plan for supervision and induction to develop the staff, manage performance, and solve problems of new employees.

Training and Development

Newly recruited employees will undergo a 3-week training to introduce them to policies and programs of Javanese and to impart them with necessary skills, abilities, attitudes, and knowledge to perform their duties efficiently and safely. The training will also teach the recruits skills of human relations so that they can work efficiently and harmoniously within them and serve the public courteously. It will address compliance, risk management, and safety issues in addition to enabling them to realize and develop their potential (Tasmanian Audit Office, 2006). The training will follow the stages below.

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Stage 1: Establishing the Training Goals

The training will introduce new recruits to the mission and vision of Javanese, prepare them to offer good services to customers, and teach them about their general safety in the company. Trainers will outline information and skills participants will gain by taking part in the training. They include customer service skills, use of software applications, and familiarity with the company’s policies and procedures.

Stage 2: Identification of Trainees

Participants in the training plan will be new recruits. Trainers will group participants into executives and subordinates. The training for subordinates will be simple overviews, while executives will go through in-depth training.

Stage 3: Establishment of a Training Budget

The training will require two computers, two projectors, recorded tapes, and PowerPoint presentations. The costs will include trainer’s and employee’s compensation, cost of the equipment, and rental charges for training halls (Goren, 2006).

Stage 4: Selection of Trainers

The Human Resource manager will select 5 trainers from outside the company after examining their qualifications, skills, and experience. The Human Resource manager will also seek relevant information because he will also participate in the training.

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Stage 5: Development of Training Content

Trainers will create topic outlines for executive and subordinate trainees. The training content will involve lessons, specific activities such as group discussions, objectives, and assessment plans. The training modalities will include video demonstrations, hands-on exercises, listening to audio, and observing PowerPoint presentations. The training will involve a feedback form where trainees will rate the training on aspects of the environment, instructional delivery, and knowledge gained.

Stage 6: The Training Structure

Tasks that require detail will employ one-on-one training. The training on customer service will involve dividing participants into groups of 10 and engaging them in problem-solving activities and role play. Participants will be trained in the company’s policies and procedures in two large groups. The training will involve 3 two-hour lessons each day.

A Compensation Package for New Employees

To succeed in the highly competitive environment, the compensation package for new employees will motivate employees, ensure equity, and control compensation costs. The compensation package reflects the culture of the company (Fabricant, Miller, & Stark, 2014). The compensation package will include the basic pay, benefits, and other motivating factors. The compensation package should be easy to understand, align interests of the company, employees, and clients, and be fair for employees in comparison to similar positions externally and internally (Youssef-Morgan & Stark, 2014). Designing a pay structure will involve the following stages.

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Stage 1: Establishment of the Pay Philosophy

To attract and retain good talents, the company will pay employees a competitive salary prevailing in the market for respective positions. The salary calculation will depend on the employee’s education, functional expertise, and years of job experience. The company will offer insurance benefits, retirement benefits, special benefits, and federally mandated benefits. Employees will also receive incentives for exemplary performance.

Stage 2: Comparison with Competitors on their Pay Range for the Positions

The Human Resource manager will prepare a job description of the positions recruited in terms of the scope and responsibilities, complexity and impact of jobs in the company, knowledge, competencies, and skills necessary for the job, as well as levels of education required to perform the job (Youssef-Morgan & Stark, 2014).

The Human Resource manager will research within the industry to determine the level of compensation that other firms offer for the position. The salary calculator at CareerBuilder will estimate the average salary for the positions. The HR will also search for salary surveys online to determine how other organizations pay for the positions.

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Step 3: Setting the per Hour Pay Rate

To motivate employees for higher performance, the HR will set hourly rate for routine workers. The rate will be fair and commensurate with responsibilities of employees.

Stage 4: Setting Components of Pay for Performance

The pay for performance will apply to all types of jobs. As employees will strive to achieve set goals for bonuses, interests of the company and those of workers will be in line. The performance factors that will be considered include enhanced customer satisfaction, improved process, cost-saving and innovative approach to operations, and completion of workloads within a specified time.

Stage 5: Pay Raise

After the HR has set compensation levels for employees at all levels, they will budget for pay rises to match the compensation with inflation levels and reward high performers. Job descriptions and salary ranges will be updated regularly for each position. If the HR considers that the salary ranges are outdated, they will recommend raises across the board to offer employees a competitive salary (Grote, 2006).

The HR will ensure that the compensation is fair internally. Employees in each job category will be ranked from the best to the worst in terms of performance. The ranking will ensure that peers in a job category receive fair payment (Youssef-Morgan & Stark, 2014).

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The company will give pay raises at the time of giving performance reviews to drive the idea that pay rises depend on the performance. The company will offer pay rises of between 0-5% per given financial year.

Stage 6: Selection of the Payroll Software

After setting the compensation strategy, the HR will be assisted by the technical team to choose the most appropriate software to help in the implementation of the strategy. The software will automatically calculate employee’s gross pay, paycheck after deductions and returns to the government agencies, and federal insurance. It will also print checks for employees and end-year tax forms for the government.

A Performance Appraisal System

The company will conduct performance appraisal as a highly interactive process that will involve all levels of personnel. The appraisal will serve as a tool for the company to communicate requirements and performance expectations for employees. The performance appraisal will have numerous objectives. It will increase motivation of employees to perform. Employees will gain a better understanding of their responsibilities and job functions. It will facilitate acceptance of organizational goals by clarifying them to new employees (Grote, 2006). The performance appraisal will follow the following phases.

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Phase A: Communication of goals, requirements, and performance expectations

The performance appraisal will begin with the departmental heads preparing and issuing trainers with appraisal forms that they will use during the exercise. The first phase will have sub-steps.

Step 1: The departmental heads will outline goals that they will set for their employees.

Step 2: Trainers will discuss job duties, employee requirements, and expectations for major responsibilities and goals that they are required to achieve. Supervisors will explain performance requirements and performance rating levels.

Step 3: Supervisors will explain periods within which they will be rating employees to inform them of their strengths, areas for improvement, and work progress. Supervisors will explain that their substandard or outstanding performance will be rated.

Phase B: Performance Coaching and Monitoring

After informing employees about performance requirements, expectations, and goals, supervisors will coach and monitor employees for an ongoing rating period. The supervisor keeps track of the employees’ job performance and informs them of their progress. This two-way communication between the supervisor and employee will inform areas of improvement and strengths based on job performance.

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Phase C: Completion of Performance Appraisal

The performance appraisal will end with an appraisal conference. The supervisor and employee will review previously discussed performance plans, entries that the supervisor has made concerning coaching and monitoring, and results of the appraisal. Supervisors and employees will conduct the conference privately. The appraisal conference will improve communication between the supervisor and the employee, which will motivate the employee to perform better.


Running a business is quite a demanding task as it encompasses satisfying customers and employees, as well as working towards making a substantial return on investment. In particular, the Human Resource department is a power line to the business. Therefore, the process of hiring workers, staffing, remunerating, and training them should be done with the utmost care. It is important for all HR managers to approach their role strategically by looking into the future needs of the organization rather than satisfying current needs only.

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