Free Custom «Traditional Instruction Design Models» Essay Sample
It is becoming increasingly tenuous to ignore the fact that instructing learners is an extremely challenging task in the age of digitalization, globalization, and transformation of socio-economic values. At any rate, distinct and fundamental models are still efficient owing to their profound addressing of formally theoretical and empirical aspects of instructional design. Hence, the significance of traditional instruction design programs should avoid being underestimated owing to numerous benefits. One of such traditional instruction design models is Dick and Carey concept or the system approach model. The model positions instructional design as a complex of relationships, processes, influence, knowledge, settings, and actions, so that this sophisticated and global method is a paramount consideration for instructional design. Thus, the following paper provides a profound account of Dick and Carey Model as a traditional instructional design approach and its benefits for empirical and formal aspects of education.
The system approach model is evidently attached to educational curriculums owing to three basic constraints: developed goal system, specified objective setting, and flexible assessment. The model consists in the identification of learning goals throughout outlining knowledge, skill, mindset, and attitudes, which learners are expected to acquire (Instructional Design Center, n.d.). It is becoming glaringly apparent that the model promotes an empirically-driven learning as long as such a statement of goals implies that the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes is tailored to specific cases of performance (Instructional Design Center, n.d.). Learners are supposed to demonstrate distinct behaviors and recall particular patterns of actions. Thus, Dick and Carey Model attaches to the educational curriculum considering the distinct determination of learning outcomes.
At the same time, this model practices a distinct and specified objective setting. Objectives are recognized as behavior, condition, and criteria. Therefore, the objective settlement is a sufficiently more explicit term rather than learning goals. Nevertheless, the concept specifies even such extensive contexts of learning consequences, so that the system approach model induces the curriculum to be more comprehensible and attainable since each aspect can be distinctly measured (Instructional Design Center, n.d.). The concept is immensely utilized at a stage of curriculum development as it serves a function of an extensive framework for the creation of educational content (Instructional Design Center, n.d.). The value of the system approach model can be observed in its provision of a developed assessment tools system as well. In this manner, learners are assessed at diverse angles because education appears as a complicated system, which is inconceivable to access with a single direction. That is the impetus for the model to address the essential aspect of educational curriculum. Dick and Carey concept positions instructional design as a context-dependent system thereby suggesting that the assessment of skills, knowledge, and behaviors heavily depends on specific circumstances that can be viewed as a justification of a particular learner's actions (Instructional Design Center, n.d.). Beyond a doubt, these pillars present a formal perspective of the model meanwhile its empirical benefits are worth discussion to the same extent.
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Consequently, Dick and Carey Model promotes a view that the education instructing should be considered as a sophisticated complex. This peculiarity can be effortlessly traced at the bottom level of instruction design: tasks, exercises, and learning materials are unified as a single framework for transition of knowledge to learners' experiences, and then to their regular practice (Isman, 2012). The complexity of the model ensures the acquisition of profound and credible knowledge within a global context of their appliance. In other words, students are enabled to comprehend basic mechanisms and dimensions of the influence of any skill, set of knowledge, or a particular mindset. As a consequence, the model's benefit is an evident deployment of critical thinking as a fundamental analytical tool. Analysis and combining its results with personal experiences is one of the pre-eminent components of the system approach model (Sabri, 2013). Thus, critical thinking is a foundational attribute of system approaching of knowledge and subject of learners' performance. The concept presupposes that critical thinking is a unambiguous and learner-centered mean of knowledge acquisition and transition, so it services a function of empirical framework for learners and educators.
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On a separate note, the model may experience certain challenges in relation to its appliance to contemporary environments of learning. Advanced technological progress, globalization, and cross-cultural trend place a particular emphasis on the different positioning of Dick and Carey Model (Isman, 2011). Up-to-date changes in society, culture, and technology should be respectively reflected in scoping of learning so that the concept may require updating its complex systematic thinking towards new aspects of human life and processes related to education (Isman, 2011). This issue is particularly pivotal for healthcare and nursery education, as these disciplines are exceptionally sensitive to socio-cultural alternations.
Taking these points into account, it is arduous to argue that faculty members regularly utilize this concept for purposes of framework. The system approach model can be advantageous for the development of curriculums for the transcultural perspective of nursing and cultural competence. The model is generally applicable to cross-disciplinary courses, and gaining of cultural competence often lacks consideration of the subject within its overall context (Bristol & Zerwekh, 2011). Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that Dick and Carey Model will be able to connect cultural constraints to scope of nursing practice, and transitional mechanism of knowledge and skills is fairly effective in this program. Therefore, linking one phenomenon to another as well as the identification of complicated sequences of causes and effects suggests that faculty members may utilize this model for fostering critical thinking among students (Bristol & Zerwekh, 2011). The system approach model is fundamentally based on the identification of relations within a complex system regarding the fact that the concept promotes such a design of instructing, curriculum planning, and assessment. In addition, the model presupposes that critical thinking is adopted under specific circumstances so that it is reasonable to mention that the program can deliver such an improvement to learning devoted to evidence-based practice in nursing, once this approach heavily relies on mutually connected scientific findings, environment, and personality of a patient.
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Eventually, the flexible assessment system suggested by Dick and Carey Model can be considerably productive in settings of nursing and healthcare education. These disciplines are complex as well, and cannot be determined with consideration of a single perspective (Bristol & Zerwekh, 2011). The system approach model provides an objective measuring of knowledge, skills, and attitudes demonstrated in relation to specific events and settings that surround a student at the moment of taking action. Thus, the system approach model can be beneficial for faculty members for empirical and assessment purposes.
It is appropriate to elicit a general comment on the fact that Dick and Carey Model is one of traditional instructional design models. Moreover, the concept is called the system approach model as long as it positions instructional design as a complex of relations, behaviors, context, and knowledge. The paper has identified that this essence can be precisely observed in any appliance of the model: curriculum design, empirical framework, assessment, optimization of specific cross-disciplinary courses, and transcultural learning approaches. The system approach model has been described as an effective method of deploying critical thinking to educational environment, particularly to evidence-based practice learning and cultural competence. Nevertheless, the model is obviously outdated and needs the additional consideration of contemporary advances in technology, socio-cultural trends, and adjustment to curriculums. Dick and Carey concept has been described as an objective and flexible framework for instructional design so it can be utilized for optimization of fundamental components of education.
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