Free Custom «Behavior Theory» Essay Sample

Free Custom «Behavior Theory» Essay Sample

  1. Behaviorism

How could operant conditioning be seen in Katerina's story? How was behaviorism ineffective to learning? What else was needed to support Katerina's learning?

Katerina's learning was influenced by the change in her environment, which evidences operant conditioning. Katerina’s environment influenced her behavior and adaptation to the new life as she learned new methods and education.

Why is cultural responsiveness so essential if a school is going to use PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Support)?

Culture is a pillar on which our characters and behaviors develop. Modeling ways that one undergoes influence education and learning acquired at schools. The schooling system depends on one’s past upbringing and uses it to guide individuals intellectually.

Why are making mistakes essential to learning? How does behaviorism counter this?

It is known that people can learn more from their mistakes. The important part of a mistake is that it opens up our minds and facilitates curiosity. One would not want to repeat the same thing they did previously. Besides, they would wish to avoid the results, which makes them learn the right decision. However, it is not recommended as the best way to learn. Behaviorism can change this way of learning because people respond to the stimuli. This may psychologically influence one’s learning attitude toward influence.


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How can extrinsic rewards undermine the motivation to learn?

The awards are only given to people to enjoy what they have not practiced. People would want to do the things that are not recommended to get the rewards. This might corrupt the motivation that a student is expected to have to learn naturally.

What are the gains and losses to behaviorism?

Behaviorism is a learning process when one responds to the stimuli. This can help understand how man and animals behave and live in a single environment. If one understands his environment it will shape their lives as they get to live in consonance with what the situation demands. Failure to utilize the theory of behaviorism will negatively influence how one lives and handles every aspect of the environment.

  1. Cognitive Learning & Neuroscience

How do Miller's 7+/- 2 and selected attention affects short-term memory?

The pattern is a gauge that measures the development of memory and behavior of people of different ages in terms of quick thinking, which is due to the length of time of memory.

How do dual coding theory and chunking influence long-term memory?

If one is taught, they get thorough information. After understanding what is shown people are likely to forget some details as they use a part of what was learned. With this, one will only remember the most important aspects of learning and forget the other details, which is a product of dual coding and chunking.

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How can interleave or varied practice inform a teacher's decisions when teaching?

Practices that are not consistent can help a teacher deal with people in different environments. Various conditions include various people and various aspects to be handled. When teachers have different practices over time, they develop an easier way to behave in dynamic environments, which also influences complex decision making.

How can metacognition and modeling be used together for active learning?

The two assist students in understanding of what they are required to do in a clear way. It helps the students develop sharp strategic thinking as they process information (Vrugt & Oort, 2008, p. 124).

How does brain plasticity dismiss the notion of errorless learning?

Brain plasticity is the ability of the brain to reorganize its cells with time. When this happens, it gets modified into handling new certain things in life. Having in mind that the changes in life come with new challenges to be learned, the brain gets ready to deal with these challenges as they occur. It creates the ability to critically evaluate a learning process. This knowledge comes along with a few errors.

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Why is it a myth that a person is a left brain learner or a right brain learner?

The myths of the left brain learner and the right brain learner explain that somebody has the active part of the brain either on the left or the right side. This explains why some people use the right hands while others the left hand. The most positive side is also the learning side.

How does the development of the pre-frontal cortex inform educators about impulsive behavior?

The prefrontal cortex is in charge of abstract thinking and the regulation of behavior. Teachers can see the development of impulsive behavior in their practice (Swick & Knight, 1999, p. 156).

  1. Social Cognitive Learning

In the Carter story that we read, what do the different ways modeling occur?

Modeling can be achieved by repetition of characters as seen in the case of Carter. For example, a girl named Adriana used to communicate with several boys, which influenced her development. Upon their sitting in the meeting with the teacher, they acquire some discipline in the speech, which shows their organization. This indicates that modeling depends on the models people set for themselves.

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How is the Gradual Release Model used in education an example of modeling, self-efficacy, and self-regulation?

Continuous release model entails a transfer of information from the teacher to the learners who interpret it. A child is left to practice accurate results.

What are self-efficacy and the factors that can increase self-efficacy? How is self-efficacy different than self-esteem?

Self-efficacy is the individual's assertion that they can execute the changes they need in order to attain some aspects of the development (American Psychological Association, n.d. p. 1). It is responsible for confidence in one’s behavior and performance. This is different from self-esteem, which shows the happiness of an individual. Self-efficacy comes before self-esteem. 

How does a sense of self-efficacy influence self-regulation?

Self-regulation entails that children guide themselves as they learn. Assertions of the self-efficacy boost the confidence that the same child has. Learning, in turn, is easier as its concepts are achieved coherently.

  1. Racial Identity

How do sociopolitical influences shape minority group identities? (You may refer to concepts in your Stratified Society class.)

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Sociopolitical influences can negatively or positively shape the identity of a group. The most active group and its majority are recognized by the entire mass of people, which is held as an assumption in subsequent times. The result is a cultivated culture with one or a few people at the top of the recognition ladder, while a minority group may be dwarfed by the same beliefs, which negatively affect its individuals.

Using Lilia or Arnold's story, at what stage of identity development do you think they were?

In case of Lilia, the minority group is adequately recognized and given a priority (DeMarie-Dreblow & Miller, 1988, p. 1).

Choose one model of identity development. What are the various phases and give an example of what may happen in each stage.

How are the stages of development across minority group identities similar and why?

The stages of development among minority groups are similar because of the kind of environment they need to acclimatize. The ways of life, languages and education system are usually acquired over the same period. As soon as one goes through an entire system, it becomes a common way.

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What are the stages of White development and why is this important for those in the dominant culture to know?

The first stage is the contact followed by disintegration of one's origin, while the third is reintegration and pseudo-independence followed by immersion and autonomy. This is a chronological way of change to identify with the environment to which people have adapted to reasonably identify with the culture (Boise State University, n. d p.1).

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