Writing Geography Field Reports in no Time

Geography lovers find the task to write a geography report a piece of cake, while the others consider it a rather challenging assignment. Writing a field report can be one of the tasks you will probably have to deal with when studying geography. It typically involves investigating various places and, consequently, factors that affected their development. Climate, natural vegetation, soil, human interference are among the main elements that played role in the evolution of those places.

The Key Stages of Writing a Report Based on a Geography Field

Before you start the writing process, it is important to figure out the subtopic of your report, whether it’s physical geography or human geography. It is crucial in geography to gain a skill in writing reports. Firstly, you need to read carefully the assessment criteria. Secondly, you should define the outcomes of your project. Thus, it is vital to go through the following three stages in order to write a good report.

Identify a Research Question

A research question is a key element in a fieldwork report. Therefore, it has to be a very specific and clear question. You should also make sure that this question is answered and supported by solid evidence. In order to be able to provide the answer to the research question, you need to collect enough data. If you have decided to rephrase the primary research question into a hypothesis, do your best to prove or disprove it in the course of collecting data and investigating. Your report might also need to showcase a few of the following attributes: analyze, discuss, explain, outline, compare, contrast, etc.


Number of pages

Data Collection

Since your aim is to corroborate your geography report, it is vital to collect different kinds of evidence. Carrying out a study without reproducing maps, photographs, diagrams, or sketches is questionable in terms of writing a good report. As you need to have solid facts, photographic evidence is a must-have whenever you are writing a geographic report. Do not forget to properly label and index all the images you include in your paper. Otherwise, their representation without accurate arrangement will be useless.


The report without conclusion can’t be even considered as a report. The presentation of the findings at the end of your paper makes your report complete. Remember, you shouldn’t include any new information in the conclusion. Restating the main points and ideas of the body paragraphs in a new light is the best way to summarize your report.

Generating a quality geography field report isn’t that hard after all, is it? Following the above-mentioned steps is definitely a good guideline on completing a good work.

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