Writing a Paper with a Word Limit of 5000 Symbols

Whenever you complete a written assignment, it is necessary to be aware of all the nuances of requirements on its length and organization. Knowing these peculiarities, you will get to know what is the right way to distribute information, what to pay attention to, and how to schedule your time effectively.

It doesn’t matter if you already know what number of pages has a 5000-word essay or not, there are some aspects you should keep in mind:

  • What is the format of your paper?
  • Is your paper double- or single-spaced?
  • What is the font size?
  • What options are appropriate for margins?

The items mentioned above are crucial for each paper you work on. These basics of formatting should be thought out before you get to the assignment itself. Sometimes, you may even not know what the exact word limit is, but you should consider these factors beforehand. So, there is a standard that may be appreciated by most professors.

This is rather a standard structure that may come in handy:

  • Margins should be 1-inch;
  • Choose 12-point size font;
  • For font size opt for Times New Roman or Arial;
  • Use double-spacing.

For sure, there may be some correctives suggested by your instructor, so read the instructions for written works recommended by your educational institution. On average, a paper in 6000 words should take almost 22 pages; if it is supposed to be around 5000 symbols, then it is 19 pages.


Number of pages

Maybe you are already terrified by the amount of work you are going to complete, but you are not on your own dealing with such a challenge. Very often, students get to compiling a written piece at the last moment, they even do not picture to oneself what volume of work they are in charge of. Here is a solution. Our team of professional writers is always happy to assist you with completing any challenging assignment. Our employees are well-versed in various spheres and will complete a quality paper within your deadline. Be sure to get a comprehensively written piece to be evaluated with the highest grades. What is more, we offer writing tips on your website free of charge, so learn how to compose essays skillfully.

How much Time and Effort Will It Take to Write a 500-Word Essay?

First of all, it is important what kind of research you are going to undertake and what is your own speed of writing. Our writing experts write about 1000 words in one hour. That is how we do it!

People write differently, so for somebody even completing a page may take quite a lot of time. One with another, students devote about 40 hours for such a lengthy paper. Define your own pace of working with the assignment.

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Therefore, start in advance. Once you have time, brainstorm the field of science and the issue that interests you the most. Do not pay much attention to editing and proofreading before you will be ready with your final draft. Additionally, you should write down and organize the ideas you will have compiled before the writing process. Finally, do not use repetitions to meet the paper requirements and try to compose original and catching material.

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