Guide on Writing a Classification Essay

A classification essay differs from other types of essays and it’s an interesting and challenging assignment to complete. The goal of the classification essay is to divide arguments so that the reader can clearly see the connections between them. Read on to find out what things you have to take into account in order to get a good grade while writing classification essays.

Make a Plan

  • Select the right topic for classification
  • We suggest you to opt for the topic that you like and have some knowledge about because it will allow you to work with pleasure
  • Deriving pleasure from your work on the chosen topic will also make it easy to make a research
  • Once the topic is selected, create a classification of the topic along with subtopics

Create a Structure and an Outline

  • Crafting a proper structure with a good logical sequence is what your reader needs to understand your paper
  • Creating an outline mind that it should include a general topic along with subtopics. Remember that you must also write definitions for each subtopic
  • Creating the structure and the outline is a very important stage of writing your essay, so make sure you’re working on it scrupulously

Work on a Good Thesis Statement

  • This is both the main idea of your paper and the opening, so make sure it’s engaging and will make the readers want to read more
  • Bear in mind that you have to put your main idea logically and it provides a good starting point for your essay

Write an Engaging Introduction

The introduction will give your readers the concept of your essay and the way you want to analyze this topic. The introductory part should be informative and short.


Number of pages

Work on the Body of the Essay

Body paragraphs are the core of your essay. Here you explain what you’re doing along with the main facts and arguments to your readers. Evolving your piece of writing, ensure that you will answer all arising questions and will leave no room for doubts. After reading your essay, people should not have uncertainty in their minds. This is a challenging task and that’s why you need to spend most of your time working on body paragraphs and read it 2-4 times in order to make sure that it looks great.

Complete Your Essay with Convincing Conclusion

The conclusion is like a cherry on the top of the pie because it is what finishes your essay and gives it an overall look. This part of the essay should make people feel that they have learned something important but not wasted their time reading your essay.

Ask for Opinions of Others

As you write your paper and edit it dozens of times, you may get used to what you see and start missing different flaws and errors that decrease the quality of your essay. What you should do is give it to other people (relatives, friends, or professional proofreaders) they may see these errors and turn your attention to them. This is why we strongly recommend you giving your essay to at least two people before you decide that your essay is finished and good.

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