Each year more and more UK students decide to study in the USA. ‘School spirit,’ excellent libraries, individual approach to each student in the class and extensive sports facilities are strong reasons for this choice. The privilege of choosing the ‘major’ subject after two years of liberal education is the primary reason for studying in America. The third year students often confess that they even could not fancy they would study such disciplines when they were freshmen.
The Privileges of the US Universities
American universities follow the policy that does not allow you to choose between subjects before you study them a little. This way one can reveal his/her hidden potential or test one’s abilities. Thus, they allow the learners to keep their minds open during the first two years of studying. During these years, students get acquainted with many different disciplines to pick out the ones they are deeply interested in. Such principle helps to avoid future disappointment many professionals face after they discover their choice was not really what they expected.
UK Alma Maters appreciate such approach and appoint more staff members to help American Universities applicants each year. For this purpose, the Fulbright Commission (US-UK Educational Commission) was founded in 1948. It is the chief representative of the United Kingdom and the United States educational exchange. The Commission carries out its work through Fulbright Awards Programme and Education USA advisory services. Its official website suggests detailed information on all aspects of the studying in the USA.
Besides freedom in major subject choice, American universities offer their students a high level of education. According to QS World University ranking of 2015/2016 years, Massachusetts Institute of Technology holds the first place among the world best universities. Harvard University is the second on the list, and Stanford University shares the third place with the University of Cambridge.
Things to Consider
If you decide to study in the USA, you really have a wide choice. There are more than 4,000 universities in the country: private and public, Ivy League and liberal art. Specialists offer to concentrate on what a student wants in his/her choice. Should the environment be intimate or buzzy? Are there some extra-curricular activities a student is interested in? What is the tuition and living cost? Is any financial aid available? How fierce is the scholarship competition?
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When the list of the universities is shortened, it is recommended to visit them. Experts advise to do it in the mid-term autumn season to feel the whole atmosphere of the campus life. Each university has an admission tutor who will answer the questions and arrange the excursion for you.
The quality of US education and modern approach to the future profession choice cannot leave graduating students indifferent. Indulge in the sea of possibilities and take the most out of your college years.