Chicago Citation Generator

Formatting of the text in Chicago style requires knowledge of many rules and good writing skills. However, if you have never worked with this style, do not worry. In fact, there is a very simple and convenient way to create citations correctly. Having explored what the essence of Chicago citation style is and having learned how to use the reference generator, you will be able to write successful papers.

Characteristics of Chicago Citation Style

Academic writing involves editing of the text in accordance with a certain style. There are several directions of academic writing. All of them include the rules of citing and bibliography formatting. Chicago style is used to write texts on social and historical topics. A lot of scientific journals around the world use this type of formatting. In addition, it is often used for writing student papers. Chicago style provides a choice of several formats. Within the framework of a style, it is possible to mix ways of referencing a source, if the result is clear and consistent.


Number of pages

The Rules of Citation

There are several rules of citation in Chicago style. Here are some of them. The internal text link must necessarily consist of two elements, namely, the author’s name (editor, compiler, the name of the cited source, if the author is absent) and the year of publication. The paging interval (the page numbers from which the quote is given) may not be specified if you do not quote, but express an idea or refer to the work as a whole, that is, use a paraphrase.

A quotation inside a string (up to five lines of text) is taken in quotation marks. The author's surname may appear in parentheses, or in the most citations. You must also specify the publication date and the page interval; if the sentence contains a quotation without specification of authorship, it is necessary to indicate the author's surname, date of publication and page interval in parentheses.

The reference to the part of the work must contain the author's last name of the necessary part, but not of the entire work (if they are different). Very often, writers use notes (bibliography), also known as the style of the humanities. References to sources are given in footnotes on the page (or endnotes) and in the bibliographic list.

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How Chicago Citation Generator Works

The rules of citation and bibliography formatting in Chicago style at first glance seem quite complex. However, there is an easier way to write your text correctly. Use citation generators to create correct quotes and bibliographic data. Such a generator is a special site, which makes out citations automatically. All that is required from you is to enter the necessary information about the book or article and its author. Then you need to wait a few seconds and copy a quote or reference formatted in Chicago style. This convenient service can help you significantly simplify the process of writing papers and save a lot of time.

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